Did you wake up one day single after a brutal divorce? What the hell do I do now, you may be asking yourself. A moment please: I have fantastic news here. If you think about it, you can now create any type of life you want: you are in control and can build a fantastic life for yourself. Like it's a new beginnings for your life.
Grasping this will become so important. You will inherit a hug block of time, now, despite your responsibilities. Now, whether that's good or bad, it's entirely up to you.
Here are simple ways of getting your life back on track for the man who is just recently (or not) made single after divorce.
What you have to do is build a cool life-style.
What the heck am I saying here? Understanding the fact that you now possess something valued: freedom. Incredible things can happen with that personal freedom. Taking a minute to pause and think about it:
-Having astonishing encounters with new and amazing women.
-For you, meeting new and dynamic people.
-You will have all sorts of new adventures in your life.
-You can pursue all of those things you were wanting to, but couldn't because you were stuck in that marriage.... but the only way this is going to happen is for you to take positive action by deciding to do so.
Focus Your Life On What You Want--Then Go For It!
Since you have gone through the divorce and that you are single again, you can steer your life where you want it to go. As a man that has gone through a divorce, the one thing that I wanted to do was to have choice with women so as to make the right decision when the next time to marry arose.
I did think about this for some time. With all the women I was with--and especially the ones that didn't work out--I was the constant. I had to realize that no matter whose fault it was in the end, I had to take 100% full responsibility so that I could move forward with my life. With that, I had in my mind to get myself and my life in order. So I worked on my self esteem, life-style, and my ability to attract women to me.
Now, that was me. Everyone's destination can be different; that's OK. If you can get this "women" thing mastered, it is my strong belief, through experience, that all other facets of your life will fall into place. For sure, you can pursue something else if you would like: they all are just different paths leading to the top of the mountain. Move everything about you toward what YOU want, and move your life in that direction. Let that purpose or goal define your life. This will be the your new focus of attention.
Some cool examples:
-Mastering once and for all, women, dating, and relationships.
-Work on becoming a musician.
-Become a captain of a small ship like a yacht. -Get an avid interest in biking.
-Travel the world.
-Participate in a physical sport like soccer or baseball; maybe a non-physical one like fishing.
-Get healthy and become a long distance runner and train for a marathon.
What I am trying to show you here is that if you focus on something you have passion for, it will refocus your energy on something other than feeling sorry for yourself and the fact that you are single after a divorce.
Indeed, it would be a bad thing if you made the divorce and everything about it, the focus of your attention. Divorce for so many men can mean "failure," which it is not. It can wreak havoc in your life.
That low self-esteem that follows can become extremely toxic. That's one of the primary reason that divorced men become alcoholics.
If that happens to you, it is just unhealthy. By contrast, put the focus of your attention on something infinitely more constructive like what you are passionate about. Let your mind attract itself to something positive.
Wonderfully, whatever you pursue, it will only help you gain more masculine power.
In a way, it's a great adventure of finding "yourself." The main benefit of this is that you will start to attract women by default, because you don't have your "heart on your sleeve" and that you have a life-style you have built from the ground up. It is important to note here not to ever make the woman more important than the life you are about to create.
As you can see the importance of building a new lifestyle. If you follow this, genuinely, divorce can be extremely liberating. By following your passion, you can survive this difficult time.
Moreover, in the near distant future, you will actually be looking back at this time as a period of positive growth.