Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Best Place to Sell a Diamond Ring After a Divorce

Wedding or engagement ring has special memories associated with it because it reminds you of someone you love. However, after divorce the same rings become a difficulty to get away from the memories of past. It is not a difficult task to sell your diamond ring after your divorce.

However, if you have planned to move on and say good-bye to the memories forever, you can definitely sell your diamond. Best place to sell a ring after divorce is an authorized jewelry shop. You can even choose to pass on the ring to your daughter or son but if you have no kids, you can simply choose to sell it off.

Selling to an authorized dealer will enable you to save your time as you need not to hunt for the customers, you simply sell it to the dealer and he will do his usual business of finding the customer. An authorized dealer will not only buy your diamond ring but he will also appraise or evaluate the cost of your ring, so that you get the best value for your diamond ring.

Appraisal simply means calculating the fair value of your diamond ring, which includes various factors like age of the ring, condition of the ring and current market price of the diamond ring.

Another option you can try is to sell a diamond ring on the internet. You might associate with a diamond trade website that buys and sells old diamond jewelry. However, you need to be cautious while doing so because chances are high that you might end up losing your ring or getting less money for it. Search the Internet and read user feedback, if you are completely satisfied with the user feedback for a particular website, you can take the site of floating your advertisement on the website.

Do not restrict yourself to these two methods only; word of mouth is the most helpful way to get good price for your diamond after divorce.

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