Sunday, December 5, 2010

Divorced Dads - Father Figure Or ATM Machine

A Dad's Post Divorce dilemma is usually trying to figure out what his new role is going to be. Parenting after divorce is a challenge for Divorced Dads. You don't want your children seeing you as only a Father Figure because you show up on the occasional weekend or holiday. You also just found out that your children call you the ATM Machine. What is the solution to parenting after divorce for a Dad?

Here are the top 5 parenting after divorce tips to Help Divorced Dads:

Set up a parenting plan with your former spouse and make a complete list of the rules to be followed when the children are at each home.If you want to be more than a Father Figure or Cash Machine, create a new role for yourself. Write down a list of your gifts, talents, and skills that you can share with your children. What role do you want to play in their present and future lives? If you have not been an emotional guy in the past, do you want to show a more gentle side?Prepare for backlash. If you have given in to the "I need cash now" cries of your children in the past and now you suddenly want to change, there will be a fall-out. Have a pros and cons sheet ready to discuss with your kids. Hold a family conference with everyone present, including your ex-wife, to communicate the new rules.Stay true to your values. If you want to have responsible children, you need to give them responsibility and expect them to follow through. If you want kind children, you need to model that behavior and expect the same from them.Compliment instead of complain. These are new roles for everyone in the family. Acknowledge the changes you are making and compliment your children for their progress as well.

Parenting after divorce takes time as you adjust to your changing role. With patience, discipline, and integrity, you can be a Father Figure to other Divorced Dads and someone your children are proud to call, not ATM Machine, but Dad.

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