Everyone struggles with their emotions one way or another. Some people understand their emotions and themselves reasonably well, but for most people understanding what makes them and others tick is difficult. Nothing is more confusing than working out how you feel about people you love and people you had relationships with, especially an ex. Even after a significant period it is not unusual for a person to think, "Do I still love my ex?"
Working out how you feel about an ex is necessary for moving on and building new relationships successfully. Any emotional "baggage" that you carry with you from a past relationship is going to affect your present or future relationships. If there are underlying issues or emotional connections between you and a previous partner it will affect how you relate to a new partner and you run the risk of that "load" adding to the factors that erode a relationships foundation, and it makes your new relationship much harder work.
So it is important to work out how you feel about your ex so that you can resolve the issue and go forward unencumbered.
The next thing to determine is how you feel about your ex and you can do that by checking out the following questions. The answers you give will help you pinpoint your feelings and help you decide what you need to do next.
? Do you still try to see your ex?
When you love someone, you want to see them or speak with them, so if you find yourself calling your ex's number just to hear their voice, or you drive past their home in the hopes of "accidentally" seeing them, then you may still have strong feelings for them.
? Do you still think about your ex?
When you love someone they are on your mind most of the time. Things like your favorite love song or watching a romantic movie will immediately get your thoughts tuned to your ex. They are the first person you want to talk with when something new happens to you and you want to share it with someone.
? Do you feel bad at the thought of your ex with someone else?
When you love someone, the thought of your love interest moving on and being with another person makes you feel really bad. You still feel on some level that they belong with you and to see them with someone else crosses a line, especially if you had been physically intimate with them. It feels like a tearing of a connection, and you would be right, there is a breaking of that connection in that circumstance.
If you have answered yes to these questions it is more likely that you have been thinking "I still love my ex" too, and that you have some unresolved issues that need to be addressed in order for you to move on.
So what do you do now? Do you want to move on and get over these feelings or do you want to try to reconnect with your ex and rebuild your broken relationship? Whatever you decide there are ways to achieve this and it is just a matter of getting the right information to help you make good progress.
If you have just realized that you have been thinking, "I still love my ex" all this time and need some ideas to rebuild the love between you, then go to - http://myrelationshiphelp.info/
(There is also great information in the "Clean Slate Method" to get you back on track, either moving on or reconnecting.)
Find out what thousands of happy couples do to get and keep their flame of love burning hot!
- Wishing you love and success - Jo Baker
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jo_Baker

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