After divorce, it will be very difficult for fathers if they are permitted to meet their children only once in a week. Once a parent is no longer engaged in the day-to-day decisions impacting upon his or her children, a lack of confidence in dealing with them, or even a sense of futility, is not uncommon. Here are some ideas to help fathers and children adjust to the changes in their relationship.
Never say bad things about Mom. Always respect your ex-wife's role as the mother of your children no matter what your differences. A relationship with their mother is necessary for all children. Do your best to keep all interactions civil and respectful; discuss any problems when the children aren't present.
You shouldn't overly spoil them. A day will come when you want to play the "Dad" card on your children. When your kids are visiting you on your weekend, and you spoil them, they will begin to look at you as a playmate instead of as their father. Discipline and structure are very important to children, and quality time usually means listening to them and being with them, not constantly trying to entertain them. While they are with you on weekends, assign them small jobs and make them feel comfortable, just like being at home, and let them have leisure activities only after they are done with the assigned jobs. Chores don't to be hard labor and no enjoyment, but; if you think positively you can make working in the yard and doing errands more enjoyable.
Bring in new female partners into their lives slowly. Your children should not be introduced to a new girlfriend until it becomes apparent that this person will be around for a long time. When you two are fairly comfortable with each other you can start to get your kids acquainted with her a little at a time. The very first interaction with your children and her can involve some games, and sharing of some cookies and snack items. Thereafter, maybe she can accompany all of you to something like the movies or dinner out. Introduce your children in small steps, making sure they are comfortable that your role as a parent to them won't change.
Let them feel cozy. Your kids ought to regard your abode as their second home. Try to make your new domicile as much like a second home as you can. Provide them with as much private space as they need; make room for their favorite toys, games and decorations; and let them bring over anything else that reminds them of better times like stuffed animals and other toys they may want.
Maintain contact with them throughout the week. Calling your child during the week is a great way to connect with them and to discuss future plans, making the weekend transitions smoother. Being attentive to their activities with the other parent will help the children not feel as if they're living two separate lives.
Using these tips can greatly help the problems connected with weekend visits for kids and dads.
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