Monday, December 13, 2010

Name Changes After Divorce

Marriage means taking on a new life, and getting divorced also mean changing a lot of things from life prior to getting married. A change of name after getting a divorce is one of the primary things that need to be done. At present, there are increasing divorce cases and more women are into reverting their names back to their maiden names.

In order to change a name after issuance of divorce, it is advised that a request should be made to the judge handling the divorce case. The court must be informed of your intent to change the your name putting it back to your maiden name. Thus, you need to specify the name that needs to be change and the judge will include this in the issuance of a divorce order. Another way to do this is that a person can also file with the court an intent to change the name after divorce. Just fill out a form for a change of name and file it court. Supporting documents or attachments are needed as specified in the form. Following this procedure, the court will approve the request based on the documents furnished. After court approval of change of name, you need to publish a legal notice in local paper to formalize the approval.

Change of name after getting a divorce is important since legal transactions are no longer deemed valid as conjugal with the issuance of divorce. This is needed on legal documents of the female spouse who is no longer married to the male spouse.

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