One of the many problems men face with post-divorce life is the haunting memories of their wife and the time they had together. If you are going through this phase perhaps you find yourself brought low when a certain song comes on, or when you see a place you used to go together as you drive past, or maybe when you are alone and the day quietens down all the memories come flooding in like you have no control.
Knowing how to get over ex wife memories and be in control of your own mind is an essential part of moving on from a failed marriage. To be completely over this is a long and sometimes complicated process, but there are ways to reduce the intrusive thoughts and memories that can overwhelm you allowing you to concentrate on going through the cycle of grief and reach acceptance.
Visualisation is a good way to approach memories that haunt you day after day. There are a number of mental tricks you can do to visualise your memories as things that can be destroyed, reduced, lowered on intensity and so forth.
By using those memories in different ways in your mind as objects you are washing away, pushing away, or viewing from a different perspective you can achieve less problems with these memories. This will not get rid of them, but if you can disassociate yourself from the negative impact they have on your well being then they are learning experiences, not horrible life stopping black spot on your soul.
Another way to help is sheer distraction. This might be avoiding the issue which is not good (but can be worked on separately), but it does mean that each time you manage not to think about your ex and the divorce, the less it becomes burned into your memory. The les you think about something the less effect it has on you.
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